Raziskava iOtok

Sodelujte v raziskavi iOtok in nam pomagajte ugotoviti kako interaktivnost vpliva na dojemanje in pomnenje podanih informacij na spletu.

V sklopu študije si boste ogledali zadnje štiri epizode dokumentarnega filma iOtok in odgovorili na nekaj vprašanj. Raziskava vam bo vzela približno 1 uro časa.

Splenta stran www.iisland.famnit.upr.si sledi klikom vaše miške in jih shranjuje v podatkovno bazo. V vsakem trenutku med samim potekom študije se lahko odločite, da ne želite več sodelovati. V primeru, da ne dokončate raziskave, bodo vaši podatki avtomatsko izbirsani.

V primeru, da ste bili izbrani kot uporabnik skupine kjer sledimo fiziološkim odzivom bomo v sklopu raziskave sledili tudi kam gledate na ekranu, izrazu vašega obraza in spreminjanju konduktivnosti veše kože. Vsa imena in ostali shranjeni podatki bodo anonimizirani.

Za vaše sodelovanje se vam v naprej iskreno zahvaljujemo.

Za več informcaij in dodatna pojasnila se obrnite na: 

Klen Čopič Pucihar

Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Univerza na Primorskem


You participate in the iOtok survey designed to help us understand how interactivity affects the perception and memory of the information provided on the web.

As part of the study, you will see the last four episodes of the documentary film iOtok and answer a few questions. Your survey will take about 1 hour.

The web page www.iisland.famnit.upr.si follows the click of your mouse and stores it in the database. At any time during the course of the study, you can choose not to participate anymore. In case you do not complete the survey, your data will be automatically scanned.

If you were selected as a user of the group where physiological response is mesured, the system also records where you look at the screen, the expression of your face and the change in the conductivity of the skin. All names and other stored data will be anonymised

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Klen Čopič Pucihar

For more information and additional explanations, please contact: Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Information Technology
University of Primorska